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Data Security Policy [Print & File with Business Records]

Enhance Data Protection with a Data Security Policy for Online Businesses

Supplemental Compliance Documents

In 2017, FTC Guardian recognized the growing importance of data security and introduced two comprehensive Data Security Policies to address the unique needs of different types of businesses. The first is the Data Security Policy - Mid-Size Business, which provides guidelines and protocols for medium-sized businesses to protect sensitive data from potential breaches. The second is the Data Security Policy - Developmental, specifically tailored for businesses in the developmental stage.

We understand that the landscape of online advertising has evolved rapidly since then. To stay current with privacy regulations and industry practices, we have also developed Privacy Policies that address specific areas such as retargeted advertising and mobile app privacy.

In response to the implementation of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in 2018, we added Hangout replay videos and supplemental documents addressing GDPR issues to our Member Area under the link: GDPR Guidance & Documents.

Please note that this information is confidential and restricted to FTC Guardian Members only. It is provided subject to the FTC Guardian Membership And Content License Agreement. Ensure that you delete this notice prior to copying the Privacy Policy to your website.

Additionally, FTC Guardian provide additional provisions specifically tailored for California residents. These provisions address "Do Not Track" requests and inform users about their choices regarding their personal data.

Choose their Supplemental Compliance Documents to enhance your business's data protection efforts while maintaining legal compliance.

Join numerous service providers who have benefited from FTC Guardian's comprehensive approach to hosting agreements.

First Published on April 12th, 2018

Last Updated on November 28th, 2023

Supplemental Compliance Documents are only available to FTC Guardian Pro and Enterprise members.

FTC Risks website and contents are published for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

FTCrisks.com has No Affiliation with the Federal Trade Commission

This website is a commercial website owned by Padco Marketing LLC., a Wyoming company. We are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or any other governmental or regulatory agency. The products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the FTC, nor have they been reviewed, tested or certified by the FTC.

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